(女性内衣) 1914年的一天,美国人菲玛莉为争当巴黎盛大舞会的皇后,一下子心血来潮,用两条手帕加丝带扎成了能支撑乳房的简单胸罩。
参考资料来源:百度百科-bra (文胸的英文缩写)
1、奥运会巴西队简称BRA。 2、在量子力学的Dirac符号体系中,bra表示左矢,表示符号为 < | 。
01 文胸 bra是一个英文缩写,指的是文胸。BRA全称为Brassiere,源于法语brassière,意思为手臂保护物。后来演变为欧洲军队的护胸铠甲。起源于1914年的一天,美国人菲玛莉为争当巴黎盛大舞会的皇后,一下子心血来潮,用两条手帕加丝带扎成了能支撑乳房的简单胸罩。 bra是一个英文缩写,指的是纯棉文胸,带有法国蕾丝花边的,一般里面是有钢圈的,对承托起胸部和美观很有效。女性的束胸衣借用了这一词汇而已。BRA全称为Brassiere,源于法语brassière,意思为手臂保护物。后来演变为欧洲军队的护胸铠甲。 Bra一词源于法语,流行起来则是因为一本港片——《绝世好bra》,是很小资的叫法,大概等同于“文胸”吧。你也可以直接叫它“乳罩”或是“奶罩”,当然,作一点的话,可以叫它“小内内”。 其实bra早在咱们中国古代就有,那时有另外的叫法——抹胸或者肚兜。不信的话你去翻翻唐代的《簪花仕女图》,里面那些美貌女子,穿的就是“薄纱低胸绣花衫”。《西厢记》里的宋代女子,则“抹胸裹肚,一根幼带围颈,一块菱中遮胸,掩起千般风情”。 真正意义上的bra则是源于欧洲。最早产生于古罗马时期,在16世纪,还有铁、木头制的紧身胸衣,估计那时穿bra相当于满清十大酷刑。直到***东征,随着纺织技术的运用发展,16世纪末期,人们开始使用鲸须、钢丝、藤条等来制作紧身衣。这种内衣设计得极为复杂,穿一件的时间,可能要花上好几个小时。18世纪中期,欧洲出现了一股由医生发起的反束胸内衣运动。
bra的中文意思是什么你们知道吗?下面我为大家带来bra是什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习! bra的意思 n. 胸罩 n. (Bra)人名;(科特)布拉 bra的英文例句 You gonna sell only thirty pieces but they gonna be like two hundred dollars for a bra. Helmut Newton figured prominently again as an inspiration especially in the pantsuit worn with abra top. Under her light, knitted V-neck sweater there are only her breasts, cupped by a black or whitebra. The seller, who was not identified, had won the bra in a British radio contest, the spokeswoman said. According to court records, she was ordered to strip to her underwear and her bra was pulled out. The company has since branched out into derriere-boosting leggings, silicone bra inserts ("Sassymax") and, yes, nipple concealers ("Sassynips"). She famously celebrated by ripping off her shirt and revealing what would become the most famous bra in history. For the record, she looks great in her red bra and matching thong. She puts her bra back on, but he tells her to remove it. Inside, the man found a torso dressed in a bra, the official said. Kennedy's top became a prototype for a seamless soft-cup bra she named Sassybax. The report says the attackers pulled off her shorts and partially removed her bra, exposing her breasts, the newspaper reported. And they testified that a bra clasp belonging to Kercher and found in her room had Sollecito's genetic material on it. One of al-Assad's advisers apparently sent an e-mail containing a picture of a woman wearing only a G-string and a bra. Petrini has even founded a place for the latter too, with the University of Gastronomic Science that opened in Bra, Italy. Underwear-clad runners will compete in a number of organised events in Douglas, Peel, Ramsey and Castletown during the island's annual Bra Dash. Nawab Bugti's grandson, Brahamdagh, lives in exile in Switzerland and is presumed the leader of another insurgent group, the Baloch Republican Army (BRA). They will be joined by Bra'Shey Ali, a transfer from Kentucky who sat out last season and has three years of eligibility remaining. Part of the original prosecution case was based on DNA evidence found on a knife and on a braclasp belonging to Kercher. You can slip it in your pocket, or put it in a silicone sleeve that can be clipped to a waistband orbra. The company has announced deals to roll out a Playboy-branded men's cologne and a "bunnybra, " with padding to expand it two sizes bigger. bra的英语例句 You know, studies show that 80% of women are wearing the wrong bra size. She had her conservative black veil torn off to reveal her naked torso and blue bra. The Play's durable, nickel-plated clip securely fastens to a belt, pocket, bra or purse. Jason Wu also showed bra tops which he paired with either frilly skirts or tight pencil skirts. My sister Elizabeth suggested that I had plenty of room to carry the gun in my bra. The company has deals to roll out a Playboy-branded men's cologne and a "bunny bra, " with padding to make the wearer two sizes larger. Who else can wear a T-bone steak as a dress or show up at a baseball game in nothing but abra and knickers? The Museum of Fashion and Textiles in Santiago, Chile, emerged the winner of unexpectedly high bidding for the black and fuchsia Jean-Paul Gaultier bra. In the days before sit-ins, flower power and bra burning, Roth capitalized on the subversive appeal to kids of bleeding eyes and drooling rodents.
bra指的是纯棉文胸,带有法国蕾丝花边的,一般里面是有钢圈的。今天我在这里为大家介绍关于bra的英语知识,欢迎大家阅读! bra的意思 n.胸罩 bra的英语音标 英 [brɑː] 美 [brɑː] bra的网络释义 bra 胸罩; 乳罩; 巴西; 文胸 更多文胸资讯〉〉; silicone bra 硅胶文胸; 硅胶胸垫; 硅胶隐形文胸; 自粘式硅胶胸罩; nylon bra 尼龙乳罩; seamless bra 无接缝胸罩; 无缝胸罩; maternity bra 孕妇乳罩; bra的英语例句 We have this teddy bra in black and red satin. 我们有款用黑色和红色缎子做的连身胸罩。 I can wear clingy shirts with no bra and no self-consciousness about it. 我可以穿着紧身的衣服,里面不用穿胸罩。 A bra and a pair of briefs lay on the floor 地板上有一个胸罩和一条短内裤。 A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks 合适的胸罩不会留下红色勒痕。 I put on my bra and pants 我戴上乳罩,穿上内裤。 The bra has gone from being a fashion classic to a fashion cult 胸罩已经从经典时尚转变为流行时尚。 She packed one change of underwear, eg a bra, pants, tights 她打点好一套替换的内衣物(如乳罩、 内裤 、 裤袜)。 She wears a ` D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸为D的胸罩。 I'll keep my eye open for awarthog wearing your bra and panties 我会睁大眼睛,寻找穿着你的胸罩和内裤的疣猪。 The bra security is handled by Mr Price's diamond company 胸罩安全保障是由普莱斯先生的钻石公司负责的。 An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic black bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的黑色胸罩肩带上。 Understanding of the new standards of " Knitted Belt Abdominal " and " Bra " 对《针织腹带》 与《文胸》新标准的理解。 Japanese lingerie company has developed a concept bra a rice paddy 日本一家内衣公司日前推出一款可 种植 水稻的概念文胸。 She wears a'D cup, ie size of bra 她戴罩杯尺寸为d的胸罩。 An adjustable Diamond heart with a classic pink bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣和经典的粉红色胸罩肩带。 If you have a large bust, invest in a good support bra 如果你的胸很大, 就应当选用支撑能力好的胸罩。 Bra sellers say few of their clients are unnaturally endowed 文胸销售商表示,他们的顾客中很少有人是做过丰胸的。 The invention relates to a reversible bra and the manufacturing methodthereof 本发明涉及一种正反两面穿文胸及其制作 方法 。 An adjustable Diamond heart on a classic white bra strap 可调节钻石心型扣在经典的白色胸罩肩带上。 Please remove only your bra ( brassiere ) and put on this rob 请脱下您的胸衣穿上这件外袍。 PANTY & BRA SET COTTON, LACE , LYCRA IN USA SIZES 女裤或是胸罩套棉, 花边, 以美国标准码的弹性? The theory behind bra size calculation is arcane and somewhat magical 胸罩尺寸计算器背后的理论是有点神秘和神奇了 关于bra的英文阅读:文胸到底要多久洗一次? With busy family lives and demanding work schedules, it can be difficult to find time for household chores. 在繁忙的家庭生活和苛求的工作安排之下,找到时间来做 家务活 是很难的。 One woman revealed how it is often the laundry that falls to the bottom of her to-do list, admitting she only washes her three bras once a month. 一名女士透露,自己经常将洗衣服留到要做事情列表的最后,并且承认每月只会清洗一次自己的三件文胸。 Taking to Mumsnet, the woman said she was 'horrified' at her routine but reasoned that 'boobs are clean' so it was acceptable to re-wear them 10 times before washing. 在Mumsnet网站的帖子中,这名女士称,虽然对自己的习惯感到“害怕”,但是却由于“胸部是干净的”,所以推断文胸穿10次再洗是可以接受的。 The confession sparked a debate on the online forum, with some users branding the habit 'gross' while others argued more frequent washes could damage the bra. 这一发言在该论坛上引起了激烈争论,一些用户批评这名女士的习惯很“恶心”,而其他用户则辩称清洗太过频繁会毁掉文胸。 Advice from high-end lingerie brand Rigby And Peller suggests bras should be washed after every two wears. 高端女性贴身用品品牌瑞贝柏勒给出建议称,文胸应该每穿两次就洗一次。 One Mumsnet user who said she was 'shocked' by the confession wrote: 'I wear a clean one everyday, I thought everybody did.' Mumsnet上一名用户对这篇帖子感到“很震惊”:“我每天都要穿干净的文胸,我以为所有人都是这样。” Another posted: 'I change my bra every day and put into the wash with everything else I've worn that day. I wouldn't wear something more than once without washing.' 另一条回复则说道:“我每天都要换文胸,当天穿的所有衣物都要清洗,我不会穿一件没洗的衣服两次。” One similarly disgusted user wrote: 'You should hand wash your bra after every use. I'm repulsed at the idea of re-wearing a bra - imagine all the sweat.' 一位同样有点反感的用户写道:“每次穿过之后,你都应该手洗文胸。我绝对不会再穿被穿过的文胸--想想那上面的汗!” Many said it depended on the situation, with one explaining she washed her bra 'after every wear' because she has an 'active job and they would stink' if she didn't. 但是许多人也表示这取决于环境,一名用户解释称,自己“每次穿过之后”都会清洗文胸,因为她的工作“运动量很大,如果不洗的话就会变臭”。 Another user argued that she could re-wear her bra once or twice unless it was 'obviously dirty' or had something 'spilled on it'. 另一名用户则表示,如果文胸不是“特别脏”或者“附着什么异物”的话,她会再穿一到两次。 Justifying her position, one pointed out she was following the instructions of the bra fitter. 'They are expensive and washing too much ruins them,' she said. 一名用户为了证明她的立场,指出自己只是遵照了文胸 说明书 的做法而已。她说道:“文胸很贵,洗的次数太多就会毁掉它们。” Others were quick to agree with the woman asking the question. One woman wrote: 'My bras don't smell. I feel sorry for people who need to wash theirs after every wear! Perhaps it depends on your size.' 还有人很快就对发帖人表示赞同,一名女性写道:“我的文胸没有味道,我真为那些每穿过一次就必须要洗的人感到难过!也许这取决于你的尺寸。” 猜你喜欢: 1. 儿童内衣广告词 2. 内衣的经典广告语大全 3. 内衣公司简介范文4篇 4. 胸罩的创意广告词 5. 胸罩英文怎么说 6. 创意内衣平面广告
在不少的时尚内衣杂志上,经常会看到bra这三个字母,究竟这三个字母是什么意思呢?指的是某个内衣品牌还是一种颜色,下面让我们一起去了解吧。 简要回答 bra是个英文(Brassiere)的缩写,指的是女性文胸,bra源自于法语brassière,意思是手臂保护物。 详细内容 Bra一词源于法语,流行起来则是因为一本港片——《绝世好bra》,是很小资的叫法,大概等同于“文胸”。 bra早在咱们中国古代就有,那时有另外的叫法——抹胸或者肚兜。不信的话你去翻翻唐代的《簪花仕女图》,里面那些美貌女子,穿的就是“薄纱低胸绣花衫”。《西厢记》里的宋代女子,则“抹胸裹肚,一根幼带围颈,一块菱中遮胸,掩起千般风情”。 真正意义上的bra则是源于欧洲。最早产生于古罗马时期,在16世纪,还有铁、木头制的紧身胸衣,直到十字军东征,随着纺织技术的运用发展,16世纪末期,人们开始使用鲸须、钢丝、藤条等来制作紧身衣。这种内衣设计得极为复杂,穿一件的时间,可能要花上好几个小时。 18世纪中期,欧洲出现了一股由医生发起的反束胸内衣运动。1876年,美国女性主义鼻祖阿巴古尔德乌尔森在一次演讲中说到:“我存在,首要的角色不是妻子,也不是母亲,而是女人,我有作为女人存在的权利。新女人有权穿得坚强、舒服与快乐。” Bra广告找的都是漂亮女明星来代言,其实就是暗示女人,戴了这样的Bra你也可以这么漂亮。这样的暗示效果是非常强烈的,通过Bra是可以给女人一定的自信。