
2024-09-21 05:45:30 趣味生活 88阅读 回答者:宝百科



  • maury莫里秀是什么梗
  • 莫里秀什么意思
  • 大家看过最毁三观的综艺节目都有哪些?
  • 人们为什么喜欢看真人秀
  • 美国前总统杰斐逊的主要功绩是?
  • 惊声尖叫3的精彩看点
  • maury莫里秀是什么梗











    例如,《快乐大本营》就是模仿香港的《综艺60分》,在湖南卫视成功运作之后,全国上下掀起一股“快乐”、“欢乐”热;之后的“婚恋热”,以湖南卫视《玫瑰之约》为代表,也是借鉴台湾的《非常男女》;而“谈话热”以央视的《实话实说》为代表,借鉴的是美国 “脱口秀”节目模式。











    从美国的真人秀谈起吧。美国的媒体上能看到铺天盖地对真人秀的讽刺,近几年比较有名的如卡戴珊一家(keeping up with the Kardashians)、泽西海岸(Jersey Shore)、蜜糖宝贝 (Here comes Honey Boo Boo)都是各种脱口秀、电影、电视剧、单口相声演员讽刺的对象。但即便如此,这些秀仍然在美国风靡。绝大部分认识的不同阶层的美国人,看过这些秀的,都是边看边骂。一边骂美国扭曲的价值观,一边看得带劲。这种现象的根源可以追溯到西方社会早期的游乐场的怪胎秀/畸形秀(freak show)。里面种种残疾的形象或者装扮成奇形怪状的形象的人,已经不再是人本身,而是被选中作为景观(spetacle)来供人娱乐。而站在台前看这些景观的人,浅层次是对古怪事物的好奇,而一旦超越了好奇心,深层次则是对自己不是对方而感到庆幸。怪胎秀发展到现在由于社会道德的进步已经逐渐消失。而随着娱乐业的发达,这些秀改头换面登上了电视。这里的畸形已经不再是身体上的畸形,而更多的是精神上和行为上的畸形。当然不变的是人类对自己不是畸形感到庆幸从而转化成嘲讽的快感。当然低端的如蜜糖宝贝,核心还是让大家嘲笑一对体型肥硕的但参加各种选美的乡巴佬母女,这类节目为广大正常体型、居住在城市的人提供笑料。至于泽西海岸,核心是让大家嘲笑意大利后裔的新泽西中低阶层青年,这类节目为广大非新泽西,非意大利后裔,中高产阶级提供笑料。而卡戴珊这类节目,核心是嘲讽放荡的/高产阶级的荒诞生活,于是可以为广大中低产阶级提供笑料。除了电视剧之外,比较火爆的访谈类真人秀如莫里波维奇秀(Maury Povich)或者杰里斯普林格秀(Jerry Springer)的核心是揭露各种家庭纷争,往往结局会出现各种大逆转,比如DNA亲子鉴定或者夫妻反目台上掐架等等。这些节目是更加赤裸裸地让观众从咒骂嘲讽中得到快感的畸形秀。人们通过对各种别人家的荒唐或者家长里短嘲笑,从而庆幸自己家没有经历这些事。至于中国,儒家文化根深蒂固,历史上没有这种对弱者嘲讽的传统,因此近几年来的真人秀也大多都是从国外引进。观众的心理还大多集中在好奇的初级层面。当然随着节目的逐渐深入,人们也会逐渐从对别人的嘲讽中得到快感。越来越多的人一边看非诚勿扰,一边骂非诚勿扰带来的扭曲的金钱价值观;一边看各种求职类节目,一边嘲笑嘉宾的无知或者是选手的奇葩个性等等。总而言之,真人秀并不是给人提供真相,而是提供了加工过的真相,核心是为了娱乐特定观众群体。这类特定观众一来满足简单的好奇心,二来通过嘲讽别人价值观或者其他精神层面的“缺陷”同时庆幸自己不是对方而产生满足。 记得采纳啊
















    花絮本片于1999年7月6日开拍,12周后杀青,总投资4000万美元。2000年1月,出于对影片结局的不满,制片方重拍了片尾场景。本片拍摄中仅使用了10加仑假血。韦斯·克雷文同意执导本片是因为可以成为《弦动我心》的导演。为防止剧情外泄,制片方没有向公众试映,就连演职人员都是直到首映才有机会第一次看到影片的终剪版。本片是斯考特·佛雷的电影处女秀。大卫·阿奎特与柯特妮·考克斯因《惊声尖叫》系列电影喜结良缘,两人在《惊声尖叫》的片场相遇,在《惊声尖叫2》拍摄期间订婚,在《惊声尖叫3》开拍的一个月前成婚。凯特·温丝莱特、莎侬·多赫提和查瑞丝玛·卡朋特都曾希望扮演克里斯汀。艾丽西亚·希尔维斯通曾拒绝出演本片。A special makeup-effects man working with Tyson on the set of Stab 3 is named Stan, a possible reference to legendary makeup-FX man Stan Winston.c3 The house used during the climax, where most of the killing takes place, is the same house used as a school in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998).f62The empty cinematographer's chair on the Stab 3 set has the name of the actual Scream 3 (2000) cinematographer, Peter Deming.Throughout the movie the actors and actresses complain about the rewrites and the three different scripts for Stab 3. These complaints actually originated with the cast of Scream 3 (2000), because of frequent rewrites and three different endings.Gale mentions Jennifer's relationship with Brad Pitt. Courtney Cox's Friends (1994) costar Jennifer Aniston was married to Brad Pitt.Set a record in its opening weekend for number of screens in the U.S.: 3,467 (later surpassed by Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) with 3,762).Jay and Silent Bob, the popular drug dealer characters from Kevin Smith's movies, appear as tourists visiting Sunrise Studios who spot Gail Weathers and mistake her for Connie Chung.Director Cameo: [Wes Craven] can be seen dressed as a tourist walking behind Jay and Silent Bob, outside the Stab 3 set.The Song Red Right Hand is played in all three of the movies.The horror film rules for a continued sequel as stated in the film are: (1) the killer has got be super human - stabbing or shooting won't be enough to finish him off (2) anyone, including the main character, can die (3) the past will come back to haunt you. Later in the film, Detective Mark Kincaid remarks All I know about movie trilogies is in the third one, all bets are off.Compared to its two predecessors, Scream 3 used the least amount of artificial blood. Its tally of 10 gallons compares with 50 gallons for the first film and 30 for the second.It took $34.7 million in its opening weekend, the most any film had ever earned during the January-April period at the time, and the most Miramax had ever earned for any debuting film.Wes Craven only agreed to direct the film after Miramax allowed him to helm the inspirational drama Music of the Heart (1999).Miramax was so concerned about protecting the movie's plot secrets that no journalists were allowed to see the finished film until two days before it opened.Wes Craven filmed three different endings and didn't tell the cast which one he was going to use.The film's original website was a spoof website for Sunrise Studios, the fictional company making Stab 3, complete with a production list of upcoming films and cast bios of its Stab 3 stars.It was only after English actress Emily Mortimer had been cast that the production discovered that she didn't have a permit to work in the States. Mortimer was flown to Canada where she was able to obtain the correct permit just as production got underway.Scream 3 never had a public test screening. The cast and crew only had their first chance to see the finished product at the premiere because of fears of spoilers being put out on the Internet.The main house where most of the actors hang out in actually belongs to Grease (1978) director Randal Kleiser.Ehren Kruger was frantically rewriting while filming had started.Patrick Dempsey was hired the day before shooting began. He had one night to learn three big dialog-heavy scenes.130 Neve Campbell was concurrently shooting Drowning Mona and 'Party of Five' during the production of Scream 3. As her character in Drowning Mona had long, streaked hair, she had to wear a wig to play Sidney Prescott, one that took 2 hours to apply each morning.f63Jamie Kennedy's character, Randy, was originally meant to have survived his stabbing in Scream 2. His family had whisked him away to anonymity to help him recover and keep him safe. This was ultimately deemed to be too far-fetched so Randy was resurrected via a post-mortem video appearance instead.Carrie Fisher helped rewrite some of her lines.Liev Schreiber insisted that Cotton Weary should shrug off his white jacket in the opening teaser. This was mainly because Schreiber had been doing a lot of working out at the time and wanted to show off his pecs!Scott Foley's feature film debut.During the studio tour, the tour guide mention's that the next stop on the tour is the set of Seinfeld (1990). Patrick Warburton, who plays Steven Stone in the movie, was famous for role as David Puddy on Seinfeld (1990).During Randy's taped message to Sydney, Dewey and Gale, he refers to the Star Wars trilogy. Carrie Fisher, who played Princess Leia in the Star Wars trilogy, has an in-joke cameo in the movie as 'Bianca', the studio archive keeper, a former actress who is still mad at losing the Princess Leia role to Fisher, who ('Bianca' reveals) slept with George Lucas to get the part.Lance Henriksen's director character shares the same name as the famous 17th century English writer. The author John Milton is best known for his poem Paradise Lost. In Paradise Lost, Satan deceives Adam and Eve to choose temptation over God's Eden. Their decision leaves them expelled from Eden, forever corrupted. Paradise Lost suggests the debate concerning whether it is better to be bad than good. Director John Milton in Scream 3 (2000) dupes Maureen Prescott into believing that she can become successful in Hollywood by performing sexual favors. In a similar fashion as Adam and Eve, she loses her innocence to false promises of grandeur, receiving only bit parts in Milton's films. As a result of her corruption by Milton, Maureen Prescott fully embraces promiscuity as evident by the Scream trilogy storyline.Slipknot's Wait and Bleed is on the soundtrack. Slipknot is known for wearing masks.The bathroom Sidney finds Angelina in on the set of Stab 3 is the same bathroom used when Sidney is attacked in the original _Scream_ . You can tell by position of doors and soap dispenser design.Neve Campbell made a deal which stated that she could have been on set just for 20 days, which is also why she isn't as predominant a character as she is in the other films.Throughout the film Sydney can be seen to be wearing the Greek letters around her neck that were given to her by her boyfriend Derrick, in Scream 2 (1997), shortly before he was killed.Between Scream 2 (1997) and Scream 3 (2000), David Arquette and Courteney Cox (two of the five actors who feature in all the Scream movies) got married. They met on the set of the first movie, were an item whilst shooting the second and by the third they were married. Courteney added 'Arquette' to the end of her name, as can be seen in the credits. Courteney and David had to cut their honeymoon short to begin filming Scream 3 (2000).113 Kate Winslet, Shannen Doherty and Charisma Carpenter were all close contenders for the part of Christine. Kelly Rutherford got the part.ff2The green outfit worn by Parker Posey while on set is the same one worn by Courteney Cox in the first movie. All sets for Stab 3 were replicas of the originals since the sets were destroyed after _Scream (1996)_ wrapped.对白Dewey: Is that a threat, Detective?Mark: When it's a threat... you'll know it.Dewey: Was that a threat?Gale: Deja voodoo.Gale: I'm sorry that things didn't work out with Brad Pitt, but being single, that's a pretty good fallback.Jennifer: It gives me more time for my work. After all, Gale Weathers, you're such a complex character.Gale: And to be played by an actress with such depth and range.Dewey: Surprise. Surprise. Someone dies and Gale comes running.[Jennifer is studying Gale in order to play her character]Jennifer: The ruthless ambition, your private self-loathing, and that lost and lonely little girl inside.Gale: Lost and lonely what?Jennifer: You heard me.Gale: Lost and lonely what?Tom: Hey. It's the real Gale Weathers.Gale: Real from top to bottom.Jay: Holy shit, Silent Bob, it's that TV newschick Connie fucking Chung. Hey Connie, how's Maury?[Gale gives them the finger]Jay: Dude, I think she likes me. Did you see how she was looking at me?Gale: I did write the definitive book on the Woodsboro Murders.Dewey: And I'm sure you just can't wait to write another one.Jennifer: Where, Nancy Drew wants to know where.Detective Wallace: Hey, hey, Terminal Entertainment? This is a crime scene, all right?Roman: Someone is trying to ruin my movie. Someone wants to kill my movie.Detective Wallace: We'll talk about your movie down at the station. All right, this is the scene where you come with us.Dewey: The killer called her.Mark: When?Gale: What'd he say?Sidney: Oh you know the usual small talk. What's new? How you been? How do you wanna die?Sidney: What do you know about trilogies?Mark: All I know is that in the third one, all bets are off.Sidney: Hey Detective, what's your favorite scary movie?Mark: My life.Sidney: Mine too.Sidney: Psychos can't kill what they can't find.Mark: I know what it's like to see ghosts that don't go away, to be watching a scary movie in your head... watching it alone.Sidney: Ghosts are tough. You can't shoot ghosts.Mark: Can't *arrest* ghosts, but the best way to fight them is to be around people. You're not hiding. You've done the right thing, Ms. Prescott.Gale Weathers: Hey, are you...?Bianca Burnette: No.Jennifer Jolie: But you look just...Bianca Burnette: ...like her? I've been hearing it all my life.Jennifer Jolie: It's uncanny.Bianca Burnette: I was up for Princess Leia. I was this close. So, who gets it? The one who sleeps with George Lucas.Gale Weathers: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up a sore subject for you.Bianca Burnette: Sure, you didn't. None of them did. So, how can I help you? Or do you want me to tell you who you look like?Milton: Did Cotton's death have anything to do with this movie?Officer: He was making a movie called Stab... he was stabbed.Randy: It could be fuckin' Reservoir Dogs by the time this thing is through.Jennifer: The way I see it, I've got no house, no bodyguard, no movie, and I'm being stalked. Because someone wants to kill me? No, because someone wants to kill you. So now, starting now, I go where you go. That way, if someone wants to kill me, I'll be with you, and since he really wants to kill you, he won't kill me, he'll kill you.Jennifer: Jese!Gale: What the hell are you doing?Jennifer: Being Gale Weathers! What are you doing?Gale: I *am* Gale Weathers!Jennifer: Here's how I see it. I've got no house, no bodyguard, no movie and I'm being stalked. Because someone wants to kill me? No, because someone wants to kill you. So, now, starting now, I go where you go. So that if someone wants to kill me, I'll be with you and since they really wanna kill you, they won't kill me, they'll kill you, make sense?Gale: [shouts] None!Jennifer: You know in the movies, I play you as being much smarter!Gale: And as a sane person, for you that must be quite a stretch!Jennifer: That's funny.Gale: Ha!Jennifer: Need to get in that building?Gale: Yeah!Jennifer: Is there a story in that building?Cotton Weary: So, you a big 100% Cotton fan?Sidney: God why don't stop your whining and get on with it. I've heard all this shit before.Roman: Stop.Sidney: Do you know why you kill people Roman? Do you?Roman: I don't want to hear it.Sidney: Because you choose to. There is no one else to blame.Roman: Damnit fucking damnitSidney: Why don't you take some fucking responsibility?Roman: Fuck you.Sidney: Fuck you.Jennifer: You know, in the movies, I play you as being much smarter.Gale: And as a sane person. For you that must be quite a stretch.Roman: Not only did they-did they kill the film, but they killed my cast. You know, nobody's gonna wanna work with me. Variety called me a pariah. I don't even know what a pariah is. Why-why couldn't somebody have killed the cast from Stab 1, huh? Or Stab 2? Why me? What, John, what did we do wrong?Milton: Hollywood is full of criminals whose careers are flourishing.Roman: I'm not a criminal. I was questioned. Yeah, but that's all. I was questioned. That's it.Milton: It's good for your mystique.Roman: You think it'll help me get work?Jennifer: Happy birthday, Roman.Roman: Yeah, as if life isn't tragic enough.Phone Voice: Oh, it's rough being friends with you, Sid.[mocking]Phone Voice: When you're friends with Sid, you die.Phone Voice: It was a simple game, Cotton, you should've told me where Sidney was... now you lose.[interrupting a moment between Dewey and Gale]Jennifer Jolie: [shouting] What the fuck happened to you?Dwight 'Dewey' Riley: Jennifer, wait a minute.Jennifer Jolie: Who gave you a place to stay? Who are you supposed to be protecting?Dwight 'Dewey' Riley: Jennifer.[Jennifer slugs Dewey]Gale Weathers: Hey![Gale slugs Jennifer]Jennifer Jolie: My lawyer liked that.Gale Weathers: Not as much as I did.Jennifer: [to John] Come on. You have made millions off the story of her murder. You're obsessed with her and you're obsessed with her daughter.Angelina Tyler: Maybe it's not meant to be...Tom: Not meant to be? You in that search for the new Sidney, 50,000 girls and they picked you. You gotta be praying this movie keeps going!Angelina Tyler: Of course I am but not in the expense of people's lives.Tom: Oh, tune the violins!Milton: You don't have to do this, Roman! Just tell me what you want, I can make it happen! Any film, name your budget, script approval, final cut!Roman: I already have it.


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